Sunday, 13 December 2015

lady in waiting

Lady's In Waiting

  • Bes Of Harwick - Married four times, attractive, rich, 2nd most powerful woman next to the queen.
  • Cathryn Swintherd- Married into status(Hugh Swintherd), had an affair, mistress to John
  • Kat Ashley- With Elizabeth since she was a child, lady of the bed chamber.
  • Blanch Parrie- crazy
  • Elizabeth Throckmorton- Lady in waiting, Sir Walter
  • Vavasour - Lady in waiting, mistress of earl.
  • Elizabeth Bridges- Distressed.

Bes Of Harwick

  • 8 children - 5 girls and 3 boys.
  • Married four times - 1 Robert Barlow, - 2 Courtier Sir William Cavendish, - 3 Sir William St Loe, - 4 George Talbot.
  • Each husband richer than the last.
  • Money dealer, property dealer, exploiter of iron works, coal mines and glass work, ended up richest woman in England after the queen.
  • She built Chatsworth house and Harwick Hall.
  • Four of her children survived adulthood.
  • Arbella her granddaughter felt like a prisoner being raised by Bess.
  • She arranged an engagement between arbella 8 years old and Lord Denbigh the 2 year old son of Earl of Leicester and Lettice Knolly.
  • Queen Elizabeth sent Arbella away from Bess.
  • Edward William tried to poison Bess.
  • Bess was jealous that Earl was spending so much time with Mary she decided to become Mary's best friend.
    • Elizabeth Cavendish married Charles Lennox, without Queen Elizabeth's consent, she summoned Bess to the tower of London.