Sunday, 13 December 2015

(tech) Eyes and Lips

Eyes and Lips


  • Black eye-liner.
  • Black liquid/gel eye-liner.
  • Eye-shadow palette.
  • Eye-shadow bushes.
  • Blending brush.
  • Eye-liner brush.
  • Angle brush.
  • Lip palette.
  • Lip liner.
  • Mascara.

  1. Take a black eye pencil or liquid/gel liner and trace your top lash line from the inner corner to the outer. Then, use the same pencil to line your lower lashes.
  2. To create the classic charcoal look, start by sweeping the lightest colour shadow across your entire lid.
  3. Now take the medium shade and start to blend it from halfway across your eyelid. Always blend your shadow upward and outward into the crease of your eyelid.
  4. Using a blending brush, sweep the darkest shade into the outer corner of the eye and the crease to create a dark, intense shadow for the ultimate smoky appeal.
  5. To balance the intensity of your upper lid, take the darkest shade and sweep a little just under your eye close to your bottom lash line.
  6. Use your brush to blend your shadow and buff out harsh lines, working towards the outer corner of your eye.
  7. then apply a coat of mascara. 
  8. for dark lips chose a dark shade you would like and apply using an angle brush.

I think doing the smoky eyes and dark lips went well, i find with the eyes i need to practice with eye lashes more to become confident.
With the eye-shadow and liner i was quite confident with as this is a look as i do it on myself everyday, but creating this look on someone else proved the practice is needed to have a steady hand through out the look. 

I thought with the lips i need to concentrate getting a neat and tidy line and use a lip liner to help with this.

Model 1

Model 2

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