Monday, 14 December 2015

Historical Elizabethan make-up

Historical Elizabethan make-up


  • White skin base.
  • White supra color.
  • Soap.
  • Red blusher.
  • Red lipstick (lip palette).
  • Loose powder.
  • Foundation brush.
  • Blender brush.
  • Disposable mascara wands.
  • Blusher brush.
  • Primer.
  • Sponge/puff.
  • Angled brush.

First i used soap to block out the eyebrows i did this by using a bar of soap and warm water, using the mascara want to brush the hairs up, i then used the skin base, white supra colour and primer, mixed them together and applied to the whole face once done use the blending brush to give a even streak free look, to seal it apply loose powder with a puff, using the red blush apply to the balls of the cheeks so it looks circular, lastly apply a red lip colour the the lips using a angled brush. 

Contagious cross infection

Contagious Cross infection 

 Impetigo.  this highly contagious skin condition often follows a recent upper respiratory infection. Impetigo begins as itchy, red sores that blister and eventually becomes covered with a tight crust, impetigo can easily be spread from one area of the body to another area through direct contact with sores and discharge on the skin. In most cases, impetigo can be treated with a prescription antibacterial cream, while more severe cases may require oral antibiotics. Although the sores of impetigo tend to heal slowly, they seldom scar.

Ringworm Is a common fungal infection that can cause a red or silvery ring-like rash on the skin. 

Ringworm commonly affects arms and legs, but it can appear almost anywhere on the body. 


  • pain
  • itching
  • redness
  • swelling
  • discharge
  • crusty
  • problems with vision
Two most common types of eye infections are, stye/bump on eyelid
 that happens when bacteria from your skin get into eyelash hair 

conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye often due to an infection 

or inflammation; children frequently get this contagious infection

(Tech) Clonsultation notes

Consultation notes

NAME: Toby Oldfield
Skin type: Dry/Normal

Skin base, eye make-up, face shaping, Halloween make-up. 

NAME: Amy Kennet
Skin type: normal/oily

my assessment partner, white base.

NAME: Heidi Lloyd
Skin type: Normal/oily

Eye make-up, face shape and contour, skin base, Halloween make-up.

NAME:  Sheila Trott
Skin type: Normal/dry areas

Colour theory, photography shoot model (natural make-up) colour,l Halloween make-up.

NAME: Ian Trott
Skin type: Normal/oily

Halloween make-up.

NAME: Francesca Burnet.
Skin type: Normal/dry.

Photography shoot model (natural make-up) black and white.

NAME: Charlie Baxter
Skin type: Normal/dry.

White base.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

(tech) Products and Materials

Products and Materials

  • Kryolan supra color palette.
  • Kryolan foundation.
  • Kryolan eye shadow palette.
  • Kryolan glamour glow.
  • Illamasqua skin base.
  • Illamasqua primer.
  • Illamasqua loose powder.
  • Mac mixing medium - matte - shiny - gel/gloss.
  • Mac lip mix pigment.
  • Kryolan camouflage palette.
  • Kryolan lip palette.
  • Brushes.
  • Pintail comb.
  • Paddle brush.
  • Bobbie pins.
  • Spatulas.
  • Sponge puffs for loose powder.
  • water.
  • Hair curlers.
  • Hair dryer.
  • Mascara.
  • Eye liner
  • Pearls.
  • Gems
  • Bobby pins with pearls.

(tech) Health and Safety

Health and Safety

  • Always clean your brushes after use 
  • Use couch roll to rest your products on
  • Use a clean cape on every model
  • Ask your model if they are allergic to anything before you start
  • Always do a patch test when needed 
  • Do a consultation
  • Make sure there's not trailing wires
  • Wash your hand before and after every model 
  • Never double dip
  • Use disposable mascara wands 
  • Good hygiene
  • Decant all products
  • No your fire exits
  • Hair up

lady in waiting

Lady's In Waiting

  • Bes Of Harwick - Married four times, attractive, rich, 2nd most powerful woman next to the queen.
  • Cathryn Swintherd- Married into status(Hugh Swintherd), had an affair, mistress to John
  • Kat Ashley- With Elizabeth since she was a child, lady of the bed chamber.
  • Blanch Parrie- crazy
  • Elizabeth Throckmorton- Lady in waiting, Sir Walter
  • Vavasour - Lady in waiting, mistress of earl.
  • Elizabeth Bridges- Distressed.

Bes Of Harwick

  • 8 children - 5 girls and 3 boys.
  • Married four times - 1 Robert Barlow, - 2 Courtier Sir William Cavendish, - 3 Sir William St Loe, - 4 George Talbot.
  • Each husband richer than the last.
  • Money dealer, property dealer, exploiter of iron works, coal mines and glass work, ended up richest woman in England after the queen.
  • She built Chatsworth house and Harwick Hall.
  • Four of her children survived adulthood.
  • Arbella her granddaughter felt like a prisoner being raised by Bess.
  • She arranged an engagement between arbella 8 years old and Lord Denbigh the 2 year old son of Earl of Leicester and Lettice Knolly.
  • Queen Elizabeth sent Arbella away from Bess.
  • Edward William tried to poison Bess.
  • Bess was jealous that Earl was spending so much time with Mary she decided to become Mary's best friend.
    • Elizabeth Cavendish married Charles Lennox, without Queen Elizabeth's consent, she summoned Bess to the tower of London.

    (tech) Face shaping/contour

    Face Shaping


    • Concealer palette.
    • Small shadow brush
    • Spatula.
    • Blusher brush.
    • Blusher.
    • Blusher brush.
    • Foundation brush.
    • Beauty blender.
    • Blusher palette.

    Choose colours suitable for the model skin tone.

    To shape the face you will need to use the concealer palette choose a darker colour to your skin tone, decant a small amount using a spatula and apply to the cheek bones and any other desired area you would like to shape, you will need to blend in the colour so it doesn't look so harsh by using a small shadow brush, a beauty blender or your finger and powder when done to seal, you can apply sculpting powder other the top to give a deeper effect and use blusher to give the cheeks a natural blush.

    There are different strengths of face shaping.

    Here are a few of my attempts.

    (tech) White base application

     White Base Application


    • White skin base.
    • Supra color palette (white).
    • Primer.
    • Blending brush.
    • Foundation brush.
    • Sponge/puff.
    • Loose powder.
    • Power brush.
    • Small shadow brush for small areas.

    To get a white base you need to use a primer, white skin base and white kryolan supra color and apply to the face, one thats done you need to powder to seal the colour.
    These are my attempts of a white base, they very in strength of white.

    (tech) Elizabethan beauty

    Elizabethan Beauty

    Lips -  Cochineal was used to redden lips and cheeks, madder and vermilion was also used.

    Pale Face - White lead and vinegar was used it was also poisonous, was used to hide wrinkles.
    Paste of alum, tinash and sulphur.
    Variety of foundation made by using boild egg whites, talc and other white materials as a base.

    Red - Beatles/carmine and ants.

    Skin was often bad after years of applying beauty products so they would use lemon juice or rose water to dubious concoctions of mercury, alum,honey and egg shells.

    (tech) basic base application

    Basic Base Application


    • Foundation, colour vary's between models.
    • Foundation brush.
    • Blending brush.
    • Sponge/puff.
    • Loose powder.
    • Primer.
    • Concealer palette.
    • Small shadow brush.

    • Apply your skin care routine i.e cleanse, tone and moisturise.
    • test out the foundation shades to get the perfect colour for your skin tone.
    • Mix in your primer and apply it evenly to the whole face starting from the nose making your way out in an upward motion you can also use the brush in a clockwise circular motion this helps to avoid any streaks.
    • Using a buffing brush you'll need to buff the whole face.
    • Using the concealer palette and using the right tones you'll need to conceal the face.
    • Once that's done use a powder to fix it all.

    COLOUR: Light/medium.

    COLOUR: Medium olive.

    (tech) Eyes and Lips

    Eyes and Lips


    • Black eye-liner.
    • Black liquid/gel eye-liner.
    • Eye-shadow palette.
    • Eye-shadow bushes.
    • Blending brush.
    • Eye-liner brush.
    • Angle brush.
    • Lip palette.
    • Lip liner.
    • Mascara.

    1. Take a black eye pencil or liquid/gel liner and trace your top lash line from the inner corner to the outer. Then, use the same pencil to line your lower lashes.
    2. To create the classic charcoal look, start by sweeping the lightest colour shadow across your entire lid.
    3. Now take the medium shade and start to blend it from halfway across your eyelid. Always blend your shadow upward and outward into the crease of your eyelid.
    4. Using a blending brush, sweep the darkest shade into the outer corner of the eye and the crease to create a dark, intense shadow for the ultimate smoky appeal.
    5. To balance the intensity of your upper lid, take the darkest shade and sweep a little just under your eye close to your bottom lash line.
    6. Use your brush to blend your shadow and buff out harsh lines, working towards the outer corner of your eye.
    7. then apply a coat of mascara. 
    8. for dark lips chose a dark shade you would like and apply using an angle brush.

    I think doing the smoky eyes and dark lips went well, i find with the eyes i need to practice with eye lashes more to become confident.
    With the eye-shadow and liner i was quite confident with as this is a look as i do it on myself everyday, but creating this look on someone else proved the practice is needed to have a steady hand through out the look. 

    I thought with the lips i need to concentrate getting a neat and tidy line and use a lip liner to help with this.

    Model 1

    Model 2

    Elizabethan final look designs

    Elizabethan Final Look Design

    For my final design i used peals and gems on the forehead and on the chin, using red blusher from kryolan i applied it to the edge of the face and used a deep red for the lips.



    Face chart

    (tech) Three final face charts

    My Three Final Face Charts

    Design 1

    Design 2

    Design 3

    (tech) my partners Assessment

    My Partners Assessment

    This is a picture of my design i gave my partner for her assessment and photographs of her assessment on me, she done really well creating my design, i wasn't too sure on the eyebrows and eyelashes as i only like my eyebrows done how i do them and with the eyelashes they were a last minute decision i made as my natural lashes not very long or full.

    My Design


    Side View

    Other side

    Friday, 11 December 2015

    photographers: Cecil Beaton

    Cecil Beaton

    • His full name is Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton.
    • Between January 14th 1904 and January 18th 1980 He was an English fashion, portrait, war photographer, diarist, printer, interior designer,  and an academy award winning stage and costume designer for films and the theatre he was named the International best dressed list Hall of fame.
    • When he was growing up he learn photography on a Kodak 3A a popular model which was  the ideal piece of equipment for practising on,his nanny had been teaching him the basics of photography and developing film.
    • Beaton continued photography through to university,his university contacts managed to get a portrait depicting the Duchess of malfi published in vogue.

    photographers: Nick Knight

    Nick Knight 

    • Fashion Photographer.
    • Collaborated with Alexander McQueen, John Galliano and Yohji Yamamoto.
    • Advertising with Christian Dior, lancome, swarovski, Levi Strauss, Laurent.
    • Editorial for British vogue, Paris Vogue, Dazed and Confused, Another, Another man and ID Magazines.
    • He Published his first book photographs called skinheads, it was published in 1982.
    • He is a twelve year retrospective and a flora, a series flower photographs.
    • Produced a permanent installation of plant power for the natural history museum in London.
    • He is happily married and lives in London with his wife and three children.

    (tech) Prepping the skin

    Prepping the skin


    • Cleanser.
    • Toner.
    • Moisturiser.
    • Cotton pads.
    • Sponge discs
    • Tissue

    To prep the skin you need to : 

    Cleanse: Before you start to apply any make-up you need to rid the skin of and dirt, oil and previous make-up, using cleanser and cotton pads, men with beards you'll need to use sponges.

    Tone: After cleansing you'll need to tone the skin to rid of any left over oils and dirt.

    Moisturise: Once you've done the toner you would need to moisturise, this will provide a nice skin surface for a even make-up application. 

    (tech) my final assessment

    My Final Assessment

    With my final assessment i created Amy's design, i thought her design was really well laid out i understood what she wanted, asked questions if i wasn't sure for instance i didn't know if she wanted her eyebrows blocked out or not, the communication between us was really good.

    I had to create a natural white base with a red contour, i used prick-stick to block out the eyebrow by brushing the hair up so when its removed it wont remove any hairs, i created eyebrows using red gems, fore the eye lashes i applied party lashes and a red heart for the lips.



    Angled sides

    Close up

    Thursday, 3 December 2015

    Tick list (Technical)

    Tick list 

    • List of products/materials used throughout unit
    • Annotated Face Charts with list of products used – reflection on appropriateness
    • Photographs of trials in studio (test shots), with evidence of working on 3 different models
    • ALL Technical Notes to include…….
    • Consultation notes used in studio/ health and safety notes, contagious complaints, eyes or skin with some examples
    • Skin care, cleansing and toning
    • How to choose and apply the correct base, base application using brushes
    • Shaping and contouring the face.
    • Perfect eyes and lips
    • Historical Elizabethan make up
    • Creating an example of your final look for peer exchange
    • Final evaluation.