Saturday, 6 December 2014

Elizabethan The Golden Age

The Golden Age

This image and infomation is from

Elizabeth the golden age was written by, William Nicholson and Michael Hirst, Directed by, Shelkhar Kapur, Staring Cate Blanchett.

This film showed us a mature Elizabeth and  how loyal to the people of England she was, fighting along side her army against the Spanish armada, also when her sister tried to have her assassinated and turn't into her sister being beheaded, she also decided she was married to her country.

The film showed how disappointed and distraught  Elizabeth was knowing her own sister wanted her dead and to hear and see her being beheaded for attempt of assassination.

The film also showed a romantic disappointment as her best friend had slept with, married and conceived a child with her romantic interest.

It showed how Elizabeth in her mature age wore wigs and the many different ones she owned, she was also very envious of her best friend.

My favourite part of this film was when you saw her extremely upset at her sister execution she seem to be distraught at the fact her own sister was jealous enough to want her dead and that she was going to be executed.

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