Saturday, 18 October 2014

Elizabethan films

Elizabethan Films

Name of actress: Cate Blanchett
Name of film: Elizabeth
Year of film: 1997
Makeup artist: Anita Burger
Makeup and hair designers: Jenny Shircore

Name of actress: Flora Robson
Name of film: Fire over England
Year of film: 1937
Makeup artist:
Makeup and hair desginers:

Name of actress: Bette Davis
Name of film: The Virgin Queen, The Private Lives Of Elizabeth and Essex
Year of film: 1939/1955
Makeup artist: Perc Westmore
Makeup and hair desginers: ?

Name of actress: Glenda Jackson
Name of film: Elizabeth R
Year of film: 1971
Makeup artist: Dawn Alcock, Sandra Shephard
Makeup and hair desginers: ?

Name of actress: Anne Marie Duff
Name of film: The Virgin Queen
Year of film: 2005
Makeup artist: Sajaan Gilling, josh Weston, Victoria Bancroft, Neil Gorton, Maureen Mcgill, Laura Schiavo
Makeup and hair desginers: Karen Hartley

Name of actress: Helen Mirren
Name of film: Elizabeth 1
Year of film: 2005
Makeup artist: Su Westwood, Gemma Ritchards, Jane Hope-Kavanagh
Makeup and hair desginers: Fae Hammond

Name of actress: Judi Dench
Name of film: Shakespeare in Love
Year of film: 1998
Makeup artist: Veronica Brebner
Makeup and hair desginers: Lisa Westcott

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